Sunday, February 8, 2009

Group Project

Our group has been contemplating working on either a video or making some sort of music clip as our theme for the presentation. We want to create something that is effective, but not too annoying. Humorous videos and songs always seem to make a lasting impression in a positive way.

Either of these two ideas will allow all of our group members to display their creative abilities. I have completed group videos in the past, and while they may be difficult and time consuming, it always ends up being fun. Since the project has a positive message, which is to promote a healthier standard of living, our efforts as a group will not be wasted. We were also thinking of creating brochures and other handouts to inform our audience as well as convey our purpose.

The only concern is the difficulty of editing video footage. However, as a group I do not think it will pose too much of a problem. Our group has a lot of similar interest, which makes all the tasks easier to complete. Everyone has similar schedules and seems to be on the same page, which will save everyone their valuable time.

The project seems to be fairly straight forward. However, I was wondering how long our segment is suppose to last. This may be influential in what kind of video or music clip we decide to make.

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