Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Future

It is difficult to grasp the thought of almost being done with school. With these thoughts come the expectations of what I will pursue in the near future. After completing my Co-op in Boston, I was offered a full time position as a financial manager. While I am not quite sure whether I would like to work for this particular company, it is assuring to know that there is something there. The increasing unemployment rate and hiring freeze going on today, make me thankful for at least having a job available after my school graduation.

In ten years hopefully everything will be stable as well as optimistic for our society. I envision myself as a career oriented person; therefore I can see myself as a possible Chief Financial Officer down the road. Through hard work and commitment this goal should not be out of reach. I am a strong believer in earning everything you have, instead of being given everything for free. A prime example in my life would be paying my way through school. This has allowed me to take on more responsibility financially and has given me the opportunity to become more mature as an individual. Outside of the working world, I can see myself starting to develop a family. Ten years is ample time for me to establish my career and will allow me to support my family. Growing up I did not have a father, which was disappointing for me as a child. I made the best of it and was fortunate enough to have a loving mom to make up for the lack of support from my father. However, this made me realize that I would never do this to any of my children. Regardless, of how my life may be going financially or emotionally, I would never be an absent father.

I have been part of the Big Brother Organization since my senior year in high school. I have been the Big Brother to two fatherless boys, which has been nothing but great. Just playing basketball or playing catch can make all the difference in the world. I think it has been easier for my little brothers to accept me as well because I can relate to how they are feeling. I know exactly what it is like to have your father not at your basketball game or to just not be there at all in your life.

Most of the opportunities in the financial world would lead me to New York or somewhere up North to live. However, if possible I would love to live in California because the weather is great which equates to a lot of golf. I believe that you have to do the things that make you happy in your leisure time to become successful as well as pleasant to be around. While it would be great to be a millionaire it is not a must for me to be happy. As long as I am comfortable, able to support my family and do the things that I enjoy, my lifestyle will have no regrets.

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