Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ethical Lapses

After discussing the memo in class pertaining to the Holocaust, it seems apparent that dehumanizing information has been around for awhile. The problem is that it is often difficult to identify the the underlying meaning in some of these memos. The people writing these documents are deceptive and able to hide them from the public more often then not. While the case dealing with ford pinto was many years ago it is still upsetting that they would allow people to die knowingly because it would be cheaper than fixing all the cars.

Unfortunately it seems that issues like this are prevalent throughout the big corporations in business today. As an accounting/finance major the Enron scandal has been the biggest example of an ethical lapse. The Enron scandal has allowed the public to view a lot of the deceptive information conveyed to employees as well as to investors. It is amazing how all these hot shots got away with all their corrupt schemes for so long.

The future work world is approaching fast. I will be working with a multi-billion dollar company in less than a year. There will be many ethical dilemmas that come my way, but I feel confident that I will be able to make the correct decisions.

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